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Grant Maneetapho

The small town celebrity living the anime-childhood-friend-protagonist life to the fullest

Age: 21

Birthday: uhh

Height: 6 foot whatever

hair color: milk chocolate

eye color: bright aqua

CV: Dontae Majors

Physical info

Age: 22

Birthday: 11/26

Height: 6'4 (193cm)

Blood Type: AB

Ethnicity: Thai


-Being in Cameron's band

-People watching

-Physically Demanding Labor

-Making Friends

-Writing Lore Stories

Scroll down to read introduction comic!

grant 1_edited.jpg


-Being Unproductive

-Indecisive People


-Small Tight Spaces


grant asset.png
grant 2_edited.jpg
grant 3_edited.jpg
grant 4.png

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